A survey of the development, contributions, and contemporary social problems of selected non-Euroamerican peoples and cultures. CA 2. CA 4-INT.
ANTH1500. Great Discoveries in ArchaeologySurvey of important discoveries in archaeology spanning the whole of human prehistory across the globe. Current issues, methods, and techniques in the field of archaeology. CA 2. CA 4-INT
ANTH2600. Microscopy in Applied Archaeobotanical ResearchIntroduction to research trends in archaeobotany and use of microscopy tools. Design and execution of a research project. CA 3-LAB.
ANTH3515. Ancient Civilizations of the Old WorldExamination of early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and sub-Saharan Africa. Theories explaining the development and collapse of early state-level societies are critically considered.
ANTH3522W. Ecological Anthropology Writing SeminarInterdisciplinary study of the ecology of humans, integrating ecological and anthropological theory with archaeological, historical, and contemporary case-studies.
ANTH3706. ArchaeobotanyMethod and theory of studying archaeological plant remains in the laboratory, including sampling, identification, and interpretation of data.
Anthracology, the study of charred wood remains, can be used to examine ancient fuel use, construction of structures and furniture, trade, and palaeo-environment. This course provides an introduction to the deposition, preservation, sampling, recovery, identification, description, and interpretation of anthracological remains, placing a heavy emphasis on the anthracology of the Old World. Class will divided between discussion of readings, observation of comparative material, and analysis of archaeological specimens.
ANTH2600. Microscopy in Applied Archaeobotanical Research
Introduction to research trends in archaeobotany and use of microscopy tools. Design and execution of a research project. CA 3-LAB.
ANTH5500. Professional Development in AnthropologyHands-on survey of practical skills required for professional anthropology, including writing research plans, grant applications, manuscript preparation, teaching philosophies, professional behavior and ethics.
ANTH5515. Ancient Civilizations of the Old WorldExamination of early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and sub-Saharan Africa. Theories explaining the development and collapse of early state-level societies are critically considered.
ANTH5522. Ecological AnthropologyInterdisciplinary study of human ecology integrating ecological and anthropological theory with archaeological, historical, and contemporary case studies.
ANTH5706. ArchaeobotanyMethod and theory of studying archaeological plant remains in the laboratory, including sampling, identification, and interpretation of data.
ANTH5707. Quantitative ArchaeobotanyArchaeological problem-solving using archaeobotanical data; formation of assemblages; generation, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of data; subsistence economies and plant domestication
ANTH5708. Plants and Peoples through the AgesSurvey of the dynamic relationship between plants and people using an inter-disciplinary approach. Readings draw from anthropology, archaeology, botany, ecology, history, and agricultural and environmental sciences.